10 Tips to Help Fit in Fitness Every Day!


10 Tips to Help Fit in Fitness Every Day!

It’s not always easy to fit time for a full workout into your busy day; however, there are ways you can fit fitness into your day, even if you forgo the gym.

Sometimes, getting through the day (between work, errands, housework, and running the family taxi service) can be nothing short of a miracle! Needless to say, it’s not always easy to fit time for a full workout into your busy day. However, there are ways you can fit fitness into your day, even if you forgo the gym that day.

1. Take the stairs (and yes, you’ll save time!)

Taking the stairs is one of the simplest ways to add a fitness boost to your day. And believe it or not, opting for the stairs rather than the elevator will actually save you time in the long run (no pun intended)—a recent study confirmed it. Thank you, science.

2. Use a pedometer

This helpful little tool doesn’t just track the steps you take—it may even encourage you to take more steps. Soon, you’ll find yourself popping over to a co-worker’s desk instead of sending an email, just to get more steps in.

3. Try active video games

Let’s be honest: while video games that incorporate exercise aren’t better than training for a marathon, they’re a vast improvement to sitting on the couch and watching TV. Why not get the whole family involved in lieu of movie night?

4. Rally for a standing desk

If your job requires you to be sedentary, consider the merits of a standing desk. If you work from home or you’re your own boss, this may be easier said than done. However, a meeting with your co-workers and employer may make all the difference. Some employers may be open to the idea of investing in one standing desk for all co-workers to share and try out.

5. Do a 20-minute workout

So you don’t have a full hour at the gym. Do you have 20 minutes, perhaps while dinner is in the oven? Try this fast but effective full-body workout!

6. Do a 10-minute workout

Okay, okay—so you don’t have 20 minutes. How about 10? This “10-Minute Sweat Session” proves that you really can manage to get all of your weekly 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise in increments as small as 10 minutes.

7. Fidget

Yes, really! Research shows that people who fidget (think: tapping their toes, drumming their thumbs, and pacing while talking on the phone) burn more calories and weigh less than those who don’t. There’s even a name for it: non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT.

8. Sit up straight

Engaging your postural muscles while sitting, rather than slouching, can help work all sorts of muscles and contributes to overall fitness.

9. Bike to work

… or walk, or even take the bus. Typically, taking public transit involves more walking and movement than driving. If you haven’t biked in a while, take a few tips from our article “Dust Off Your Wheels.” And if active transportation isn’t possible for your workplace, try it for other errands, such as going into town.

10. Learn from others

Take note of these tips for fitting in fitness, from alive staff and even one of our readers!

How do you fit in fitness? Share your tips in the comment section below!

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