Tag: health

Viruses beware! We all love snacking on different types of berries so we can benefit from their wonderful health effects, but have you ever considered the magic of elderberries?What’s so great about e

No Gym? No Problem

Media inundates our lives, not only with news about impending doom but also with “influencers” inspiring or shaming about what should or shouldn’t be achieved while spending more time indoors. Shame i
Sadly, we have a new(ish) word in our medical lexicon: diabesity. It refers to the combined adverse effects of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And even sadder: kids are not exempt.The annual incidence ra
Let’s face it—it’s been a hard time for many parents and their children, navigating a world of hand sanitizer, masks, online schooling, and limited play dates. The spectre of COVID-19 has many parents
Humans are a lot like raisins. At birth, our bodies are approximately 78 percent water. Then we start to dry out. Adults are approximately 60 percent water, and seniors hover at around 50 percent wate
It happens instantaneously when you have a moment of fear, a moment of shock or surprise—the cascade of activity across a crisscrossing network of 100 million neurons. Electrical signals and a surge o
Back in 2015, yoga maven and wellness expert Tara Stiles found herself living a painful paradox. She was traveling the world teaching her signature style of yoga for stress relief and healing, yet her
From the second your alarm clock jars you into consciousness, your brain processes the sights, sounds, thoughts, and stressors you experience throughout your day. Exposure to a constant barrage of ema
It’s a new morning. You open the windows … you breathe in deeply … your upper body expands … and a feeling of calmness settles in. Your body’s hunger for deeper breathing has been temporarily satisfie
When you need some backup, you can turn to several supplements that have demonstrated antiviral properties. Maintaining a healthy immune system with a little support may help keep the bugs at bay. And

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