Understanding Common Myths About Prostate Health


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Understanding Common Myths About Prostate Health

When it comes to your health, misconceptions about treatment options and their potential side effects can have a negative impact on your overall wellbeing. One common condition that is shrouded by misinformation is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Also known as enlarged prostate, BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that typically occurs as men age causing bothersome urinary symptoms such as a frequent need to urinate day and night, weak flow, difficulty starting urination, an urgent need to go, and other symptoms. The condition affects more than 40 million men in the United States alone with more than 40 percent of men over 50 and 80 percent of men over 70 suffering from BPH.1,2,3

However, some men and women are not entirely familiar with available BPH treatment options beyond medication, according to surveys conducted by NeoTract, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated and manufacturer of the UroLift® System. Survey results show that half of men diagnosed with BPH reported their doctors informed them of medication as a treatment for BPH, while only 8 percent said their doctors spoke with them about minimally invasive outpatient treatment options.

“Medication is often the first-line therapy for enlarged prostate, but relief can be inadequate and temporary,” said Gregg R. Eure, M.D., F.A.C.S. of Urology of Virginia and Eastern Virginia Medical School, a paid consultant of NeoTract, Inc. “Patients can experience headaches or dizziness when taking BPH medication, as well as other negative side effects such as sexual dysfunction, often causing them to quit taking BPH medication altogether. Fortunately, there are alternative treatments, like the UroLift System, to medication for men with BPH that can break the cycle of side effects caused by medications, enhancing a man’s quality of life without the risk of more invasive surgery.”

The symptoms of BPH can cause loss of productivity, depression and decreased quality of life. In addition, if left untreated, the condition can worsen over time and lead to permanent bladder damage.4

If you’ve been diagnosed with, or think you might have BPH, understanding your options and the potential impact on your health and quality of life is the first step in treatment. Arm yourself with these facts before scheduling time to consult with your doctor:

Myth: BPH is linked to prostate cancer.
Fact: BPH is noncancerous and unrelated to prostate cancer,5 but the symptoms of BPH can greatly affect a man’s quality of life.

Myth: Medication is the only first-line treatment for BPH.
Fact: There are alternative treatments to medication for men with BPH, including the minimally invasive UroLift System, which is clinically shown to rapidly and effectively treat urinary symptoms while preserving sexual function with no instances of new onset, sustained erectile or ejaculatory function.6,7 Results from multiple studies of diverse patient populations are consistent with data from the randomized L.I.F.T. Study, demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of the treatment for patients with BPH in a real-world setting.

Myth: Delaying treatment of BPH doesn’t cause bladder damage.
Fact: If left untreated, BPH can worsen over time and cause permanent bladder damage.4

Myth: There are no minimally invasive procedures available to treat BPH.
Fact: An option like the UroLift System is a minimally invasive outpatient treatment that can be performed in an office setting under local anesthesia in about an hour. An alternative to medical therapy, the treatment can relieve prostate obstruction and open the urethra without cutting, heating or removing prostate tissue.

For more information about BPH treatment options, or to find a physician near you that treats this common condition, visit UroLift.com.

1 Berry, J Urol 1984 and 2017 U.S. Census population estimates.
2 NeoTract US Market Model estimates for 2018 based on IMS Health Drug and Procedure data
3 http://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostatecancer/detailedguide/prostate-cancer-key-statistics, Berry SJ, et al., J Urol. 1984; 132; 474-479
4 Tubaro et al., 2003 Drugs Aging
5 Chang, The Practioner 2012
6 McVary, J Sex Med 2014
7 Roehrborn, J Urology 2013 L.I.F.T. Study



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