Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden


Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden

Bees don\’t automatically settle down on the first flower they find. Providing a safe, friendly habitat will inspire them to populate your plants—and helps to keep these little workers protected.

Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are becoming scarcer sights. We can do our part to protect them in our own backyards. A simple way to help is to create a wildlife friendly garden. Here are some tips to point you in the right direction.
Food and Habitat
Pollinators like bees and butterflies thrive with a variety of plants. A wide range of native or heirloom foliage and flowers will be the most tempting. It’s also beneficial to have trees nearby to host larvae. Plants in a variety of colours that bloom at different times through the year will ensure a range of pollinators for as long as possible. Click for more information on how to create a butterfly or bee garden.
Bees and butterflies all need a drink every now again. All that flying around, feeding, and pollinating is thirsty work! Most cannot safely land in a bird bath, so it’s important to place pebbles in the water as dry islands to touch down on. As a bonus, if you place the bath at ground level near problem plants that get pests like aphids, then the insects that come to drink will take care of them.
A pollinator-friendly garden will mean that your plants are healthier and fruit and veggies thrive. Around 75 percent of our food relies on pollinators, so the more spaces we have for them to thrive, the better.

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