Tag: exercise

Don\'t Let Stroke Strike TwiceNot all strokes can be prevented, but making healthy lifestyle choices, like exercising, eating right, maintaining a healthy weight and treating conditions such as high bl
Find Some Time for Yourself5 self-care tips to improve your well-beingBetween hectic schedules, ever-growing to-do lists and caring for others, it can be easy to put self-care on the backburner. Commi
Tech Gifts Can Make Resolutions a RealityWhile many people who make New Year\'s resolutions drop them within a couple weeks or months, pulling those newly received tech device gifts out of the packagin
3 Tips to Live a Heart-Healthy LifestyleFollowing a healthy diet, prioritizing exercise and limiting alcohol and tobacco intake can have a dramatic impact on your day-to-day life, especially if you ha

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