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Our MyFitnessPal users inspire us every day by achieving personal goals that go beyond a number on a scale. We’re just one month into the new year, and the progress has been uplifting. From goin
You’re ready to start that new fitness regimen … tomorrow. That’s also when you’ll start tracking your calories, catching up on work deadlines, doing those minor fixit tasks around the house and
Have you ever felt like you’ve been working so hard to achieve your health and weight-loss goals but, no matter what, the people you want to notice just aren’t recognizing your slayage? You are
As most endurance athletes near the finish line of a race, they relish in the applause and cheers from onlookers and use it to close out their sweaty efforts with a bang. But when Dave Sheanin,
Our MyFitnessPal users inspire us every day by achieving personal goals that go beyond a number on a scale. From completing a first half-marathon to holding a 1,150-day logging streak, here are
[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”HEX 0073bb” class=”” size=””] What makes someone successful? [/perfectpullquote] In 2006, Carol S. Dweck, PhD, published 30 years of her res

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