
CBD is cropping up in everything from capsules and gummies to lotions and even bath bombs. With so many delivery systems on the market, it can be tough to figure out which type of CBD product might be
With recreational cannabis being legal in Canada, public interest in it is at an all-time high. Yet, there are nuances to navigate within this new era of permitted pot. Here, we take you through canna

Cosmetic Safety

We use cosmetic and skin care products every day, but we seldom think about what we\'re putting onto our skin. We debunk eight cosmetic myths.How much do we really know about the cosmetic products that
Understanding your hair and scalp type will help you customize a natural routine to keep your hair healthy and shiny.Many of us feel that our hair is a key part of our identity—or at the very least, a

Body Talk

About 93 percent of our communication is nonverbal, making body language and facial expressions the majority of our communication. Learn how to master yours!Do you fidget when you talk to your boss or
Gamma-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid. Known as GLA, it can soothe dry, flaky skin; relieve eczema; and boost the immune system.We get hundreds of tips every day from glamorous models in pro
Think about what you ate for lunch today. What packaging was your food wrapped in? Did you discard the banana peel in the garbage bin? Learn the why, the where, and the what about composting, along wi
Cancer is one of the most dreaded words in the English language. But we can do many things throughout the day to reduce our risk of this dread disease. You can incorporate more fruit and veggies into
Two decades have passed since GM crops were first introduced—and most of their supposed benefits are yet to come to fruition. In fact, they may be more trouble than they\'re worth. Learn about the issu
Fossil fuel extraction and dependence are both major contributors to climate change. Did you know that Canada has many alternative, clean, and renewable options? Discover alternative energy sources de

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