
We often face challenging situations in our careers, health and relationships, and, a lot of the time, these circumstances are beyond our control. You may even believe in the saying, “When it ra
If you feel wide awake when your head hits the pillow at night, you’re not alone. Approximately 60 million Americans report having experienced insomnia in any given year, according to the Nation
If the latest infomercials and magazine covers are any indication, it seems like weight loss is on everyone’s minds these days. And while a healthy weight is a good goal, when it comes to eating
The number one thing to remember about yoga, and life, for that matter, is: You can do this. Show up, open your mind and breathe. 1. You Can Do This Yoga is for everyone. Yes, everyone. Though i
“Not enough time.” This is an excuse we use for pretty much everything. But the benefits of a regular yoga practice are so immense that it’s really worthwhile to make the time. But how? An at-ho
In a previous article, I discussed why we turn to food for emotional reasons. If you really want to be free of this self-destructive habit for good, you need to increase awareness in your eating
Thanks to a lot of hard work by authors and behavior-based coaches, habits are having a moment. People are beginning to understand the value of focusing on their daily behaviors instead of makin
Why do you think you eat popcorn at the movies? Because it’s warm, salty, buttery and tastes so good, right? Or is it something else? Psychology researchers David Neal and Wendy Wood sought to f
Diabetes is a daunting diagnosis, especially at the beginning as you learn everything from finger pricks to carb counting. If you’re currently healthy and don’t have diabetes, you’ll want to sta

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