
Thanks to a lot of hard work by authors and behavior-based coaches, habits are having a moment. People are beginning to understand the value of focusing on their daily behaviors instead of makin
Why do you think you eat popcorn at the movies? Because it’s warm, salty, buttery and tastes so good, right? Or is it something else? Psychology researchers David Neal and Wendy Wood sought to f
Diabetes is a daunting diagnosis, especially at the beginning as you learn everything from finger pricks to carb counting. If you’re currently healthy and don’t have diabetes, you’ll want to sta
Running, in its purest form, may just be the simplest, most effective, least-fussy way to boost your fitness and lose weight. There’s no extra equipment (aside from your shoes), no specific sche
High blood pressure is the number one killer in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO). As the risks of encountering a heart attack or stroke are infinitely higher for people
Life is full of uncertainty. There are ups, downs, pauses and detours. The one thing we can count on in this life is change. However, as humans, we like a certain sense of safety, security and r
Now that the warmer weather (and some regular sun) has arrived, we’re finally spending time outside. But after eight hours sitting in the park for a BBQ with friends, you could end up with the t
You may have started setting your weight-loss goals (congrats!)—and perhaps you’ve even begun the journey. But now, somewhere between the alluring summit and your current progress, you’re experi
What promises a healthier body, a sunnier outlook, and the perfect opportunity to catch up? This is no infomercial. Running is one of the best butt-kicking, calorie-blasting workouts around. Sti
A funny thing happens in studies on the perceived barriers to exercise. If you ask 100,000 people who do not go to the gym, “What’s keeping you from joining the gym?” the most popular answer wil

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