The Holiday Challenge You’ll Want to Take On Today


It can be easy to lose the spirit of the holidays in the hustle and bustle of the season. With commitments to family, friends, work, and so much scheduled time to celebrate, we can quickly become burnt out and forget the true meaning of the season.

This time of year should remind us all to celebrate the light in those around us (translated as, jyoti, in Sanskrit). As you hurry through airports, visit with potentially challenging family members, and bustle around, it’s more important than ever to anchor yourself in the present moment and celebrate the light of the season. For that reason, I offer you a simple challenge: to recognize, revere and celebrate the light in everyone you meet. Here’s how to do just that.

Step 1: Smile When you smile, your whole face literally lights up. Your inner radiance shines through. Your eyes begin to twinkle and spark. You will immediately lift up those around you. Gift everyone you meet with a smile. Your world will immediately change.

Step 2: Love everyone Whether it’s your child or partner in the morning, your co-workers, taxi driver, the person sitting next to you on the plane….when you look upon another being this week, silently wish them well. Send good tidings with your thoughts, words and deeds.

Step 3: Offer compliments and thank-yous Seeking out the good in others puts you in a more positive, holiday mindset. Look someone in the eye, smile and offer a sincere “thank you” for a simple thing, such as opening a door for you, teaching you a yoga class, or hosting a party. Or pick one thing that was especially meaningful and compliment them.

Step 4: Practice gratitude Instead of getting annoyed with the crowds at the mall, train your inner muscle of positivity and find something to be thankful for—indoor heating, for example. Try to see the goodness in every experience. Practice makes perfect, so try to take these four steps and celebrate the light daily. If you do, you’re sure to have an incredible holiday season!

What are you grateful for today? Share in the comments below!

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