Join Our 10-Day Clean Eating Challenge!


MyFitnessPal and the Institute for Responsible Nutrition are joining forces to challenge you to eat clean for 10 whole days. The challenge is simple. You’ll choose your level, and commit to eating 1, 2 or 3 clean-eating meals a day for 10 days. When choosing snacks and beverages, skip the highly processed snack packs and go for nutritious, satisfying options and water instead.

From September 14, 2015 to September 23, 2015 you can take the challenge to eat clean and lead a healthier life. Taking the challenge is super easy:

  1. Visit our 10-Day Clean Eating Challenge website to join:
  2. Enter your email to join the challenge and get clean eating tips & tricks!
  3. Connect with other like-minded folk and share your experience on our Facebook page:
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