15 Reasons Why MyFitnessPal Users Prefer Outdoor Workouts


We published the following article a few days ago:

20 Reasons to Stay In: Why Working Out Indoors Is Better

One of our writers threw down her air-conditional love for working out inside.

You let us hear it! Comments on Facebook and on the post made it clear as a perfect Summer day that MyFitnessPal users prefer the great outdoors.

Here are our favorite rebuttals:

  • Outdoors is sunshine, fresh air and Vitamin D – Kim
  • Outdoors is climbing up the side of a mountain – Christine A
  • Outdoors creates a wonderful sense of well-being – Jane
  • Outdoors is a huge stress relief – Melanie
  • Outdoors is inspiring and amazing – Sarah
  • Outdoors, wind rustles in trees and birds sing in the canopy above – Christine A
  • Outdoors is one step outside your door – Kim
  • Outdoors is seeing the fields, forest, river, birds, bugs – Sarah
  • Outdoors is free – Mandy McC
  • Outdoors is the sound of your breath moving in rhythm with your heartbeat – Christine A
  • Outdoors are adventures – Steve
  • Outdoors is a break from screentime – Christine A
  • Outdoors have variety – Steve
  • Outdoors is sunlight, scenery and beautiful life forms – Donna P
  • Outdoors is wildlife on the trail – Christine A

And we’ll leave you with Jon E:

I don’t give a crap if you workout inside, outside or on the space station, you showed up and did it and for that I say keep it up, you’re kicking butt and rocking it!! Peace out.

Are you in or out? Let us know in the comments!

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